Filtering in QPR ProcessAnalyzer Queries

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QPR ProcessAnalyzer analyses can be filtered to include only selected data to the analysis calculation. QPR ProcessAnalyzer analysis requests have parameter Filter to pass a JSON formatted filter definition for the analysis. This filter definition is combined with the stored filter object, which is provided as the FilterId parameter.

Root cause analyses have also parameter Comparison which divides the analyzed data into two parts to compare them in the analysis. Comparison parameter has the same JSON syntax as in the Filter parameter.

If a filter (or comparison) JSON refers to information that doesn't exist in the QPR ProcessAnalyzer model, e.g. non-existing event type names or case attribute values, the non-existing values are ignored. Still, if the CaseAttributeValue or EventAttributeValue filter refers to an attribute name that doesn't exist, an error is given.

Filter parameter JSON syntax

The filter definition has syntax demonstrated by the following example:

  Items: [
      Type: "IncludeCases",
      Items: [
          Type: "EventType",
          Values: ["Sales Order Created", "Payment Received"]
          Type: "CaseAttributeValue",
          Attribute: "Region",
          Values: ["Dallas", "Austin"]
      Type: "ExcludeCases",
      Items: [
          Type: "Case",
          Values: ["Case1", "Case2", "Case3"]
          Type: "flow",
          Values: [
              From: "Shipment",
              To: "Invoice"

The outmost JSON object has a property Items which is an array of object with following properties:

  • Type: Specifies the type of the filtering operation with following options:
    • IncludeCases: Include only cases. All filter rule types can be used with this option.
    • ExcludeCases: Exclude cases. All filter rule types can be used with this option.
    • IncludeEventTypes: Include only event types. Only Event type and Expression filter rule types can be used with this option.
    • ExcludeEventTypes: Exclude event types. Only Event type and Expression filter rule types can be used with this option.
    • Union: Select objects that belong to union of all the given child selections.
    • Intersection: Select objects that belong to intersection of all the given child selections.
    • Negate: Negate the filtered objects of given type.
    • ClearFilters: Clear filter for given type of objects.
  • Disabled: (boolean) Defines whether the filter rule is applied or not. This is used by the UI to temporarily disable filter rule without removing them.
  • Items: Specifies actual filter rules. It is used when the Type is IncludeCases, ExcludeCases, IncludeEventTypes or ExcludeEventTypes. The following chapter define all possibilities that can be used here. This level entities also support Disabled property which works similarly as the same property in the higher level.
  • ChildItems: Specifies the selections to be combined using a set operation. Applicable only when the Type is Union or Intersection.
  • TargetObjectType: Specifies the type of objects the operation is targeted to. Supported values are EventType and Case. It is applicable when the Type is ClearFilters or Negate.

The following chapters list all filter rule types that can be used in the above defined Items property.

Filter Rule Types


Filter rule type ExpressionValue selects cases or event types that match the given expression. It has property Configuration which contains the following properties:

  • Root: Specifies the root expression to return QPR ProcessAnalyzer objects that are used to evaluate the Expressions (see below). If not defined, all the cases in the current event log are used as root objects. Allowed object types for the root expression for the Cases filter are Case, Event, EventType, Flow, FlowOccurrence and Variation. For the EventTypes filter, only EventsType objects are valid.
  • Expressions: An array of expressions specifying the filter rules. The is an AND logic between the filter rules, so all expressions need to match for the objects to come to the filter. In the CAses filter, the resulting matched objects are converted to Cases to get the actual filtered Cases. If not defined, all the objects returned from the Root expression will be selected to the filter. Properties:
    • Expression: Expression that is evaluated for the root objects.
    • Values: An array of values to match to the expression result. Suitable only for strings, numeric and boolean values.
    • StrinfigiedValues: Array of values to match to the expression result in the stringified format. This has a better support for different data types than in the Values property.
    • NumberPrecision: Similar setting as the expression analysis dimensions have to round numerical type of result of the expression.
    • DatetimeTruncation: Similar setting as the expression analysis dimensions have to round date type of result of the expression.
    • TimespanPrecision: Similar setting as the expression analysis dimensions have to round timespan type of result of the expression.
    • ValueConversionExpression: Expression used to convert the array of Values before they are used in the actual comparison. The function is useful e.g. for comparing date values (as dates cannot be expressed in json directly). The ValueConversionExpression gets the entire array of Values as a context, so it's also possible to add and remove values from the array using the ValueConversionExpression. Example: _.DateTimeFromTicks(_).
  • Variables: An object specifying key-value pairs, where each key-value pair generates one variable into the expression language where key is the name of the variable and value is its value. The values will be converted to strings.


Select cases named "case1" and "case2".

  Type: "ExpressionValue",
  Configuration: {
    Root: "Cases",
    Expressions: [
        Expression: "Name",
        Values: ["case1", "case2"]

Selects cases whose duration is longer than one day.

  Type: "ExpressionValue",
  Configuration: {
    Root: "Cases.Where(Duration.TotalDays > 1)"

Returns all cases that are conformant with the specified BPNM model.

  Type: "ExpressionValue",
  Configuration: {
    Variables: {
      bpmnXml: "<XML BPMN model>"
    Root: "Let(\"myConformanceModel\", DesignModelFromXml(bpmnXml));Cases.Where(IsConformant(myConformanceModel));"

Pass date values as ticks and convert them into date objects (that are used in the actual comparison).

  Type: "ExpressionValue",
  Configuration: {
    Root: "Cases",
    Expressions: [
        Expression: "myDatetimeAttribute",
        ValueConversionExpression: "_.DateTimeFromTicks(_)",
        Values: [636214968000000000, 636239160000000000, 636291828000000000]

Case attribute values

Filter rule type CaseAttributeValue selects cases having given value in given case attribute. Properties:

  • Attribute: Case attribute name.
  • Values: Array of case attribute values. Suitable only for string, numeric and boolean values.
  • StringifiedValues: Array of case attribute values in the stringified format. Better support for different data types.


  Type: "CaseAttributeValue",
  Attribute: "Region",
  Values: ["Dallas", "Austin", "New York"]
  Type: "CaseAttributeValue",
  Attribute: "Region",
  StringifiedValues: ["0Dallas", "0Austin", "0New York"]

Event attribute values

Filter rule type EventAttributeValue selects cases having events with given event attribute values. Properties:

  • Attribute: Name of the event attribute.
  • Values: An array of event attribute values. Suitable only for string, numeric and boolean values.
  • StringifiedValues: Array of event attribute values in the stringified format. Better support for different data types.


  Type: "EventAttributeValue",
  Attribute: "Organization",
  Values: ["Organization 1", "Organization 2"]
  Type: "EventAttributeValue",
  Attribute: "Organization",
  StringifiedValues: ["0Organization 1", "0Organization 2"]

Event type

Filter rule type EventType selects cases containing selected event types (Type=IncludeCases/ExcludeCases) or selects event types (Type=IncludeEventTypes/ExcludeEventTypes). It has property Values which is an array of event type names.


  Type: "EventType",
  Values: ["Sales Order Created", "Payment Received", "Delivery Sent"]


Filter rule type Variation selects cases belonging to selected variations. It has the property Paths which is an array of variations. Each variation is a string array of event type names in the variation.


  Type: "Variation",
  Paths: [
    ["Activity 1", "Activity 2", "Activity 3"],
    ["Activity 3"],
    ["Activity 2", "Activity 4"]


Filter rule type Flow selects cases having the defined flows. It has property Flows which selects an array of objects with following properties:

  • From: Event type name which starts the flow.
  • To: Event type name into which the flow goes.
  • Occurrence: Zero-based occurrence index of the selected flow within its case. If not specified, represents all occurrences.


  Type: "Flow",
  Flows: [ {From: "EventType1", To: "EventType2", "Occurrence": 1} ]

Case ID's

Filter rule type Case selects individual cases. It supports property Values which is an array of case ID's (strings).


  Type: "Case",
  Values: ["case1", "case2", "case3"]

Same example in the whole JSON configuration:

  Items: [
      Type: "IncludeCases",
      Items: [
          Type: "Case",
          Values: ["case1", "case2", "case3"]


  "Items": [
      "Type": "Union",
      "ChildItems": [
          "Items": [
              "Type": "IncludeCases",
              "Items": [
                  "Type": "Case",
                  "Values": ["c1", "c2"]
          "Items": [
              "Type": "IncludeCases",
              "Items": [
                  "Type": "Case",
                  "Values": ["c3"]