QPR ProcessAnalyzer Use Cases

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Here are some important use cases for QPR ProcessAnalyzer functionalities.


In the following process analysis view, I want to compare the process flows that go through the "Sales Order Changed" and the "Purchase Order to Supplier" activities:

  1. First, I select the "Sales Order Changed" activity and click the Include Only button to get a filter that shows only the cases that go through the "Sales Order Changed" activity.
  2. I'll name the filter, so it will be easier to select it later. I click the Manage Filters button in the Filter group on the ribbon to open the Manage Filters dialog.
  3. The filter is selected on the list, so I click Properties, and give the filter the name "BenchExample1". Then, I click OK to close the Filter Properties dialog, and then Cancel to close the Manage Filters dialog.
  4. Then, I'll want to do the same to the "Purchase Order to Supplier" activity, so I'll click Change > Restore Default to get the initial unfiltered view visible again.
  5. I select the "Purchase Order to Supplier" activity, and select Include Only.
  6. Next, I'll benchmark the current filtered view with the "BenchExample1" I named earlier. From the Flowchart Analysis Settings Benchmarking section, I'll select the "BenchExample1" filter. Now I have the two filtered views visible:
  7. From the Flowchart Analysis Settings Benchmarking section, I select the "Account Manager" to see the Account Managers who are responsible for the orders:


From the process analysis shown below, I want to see activities in only the cases in which the process flow goes from the "Additional Visit" activity to the "First Aid" activity.

  1. I press down the Ctrl key and click on the "First Aid" and "Additional Visit" activities, so that they are selected.
  2. Then, by clicking Include Only > Event Types, I get a process analysis with only the two selected activities:
  3. Now, I select the flow going from "Additional Visit" to "First Aid" and click Include Only > Cases. The result is as follows:
  4. As the Event Type filter I created before is still active, I select Change > Clear Event Type Filters. Now I have all the activities visible in cases where the process goes from "Additional Visit" to "First Aid":

Template:How to Deal with a Large Set of Data

Template:How to Publish Results to Others

Template:Detecting Parallelism in Business Processes

Template:Conformance Checking

Template:Adding Case Attributes