Web API for User Management

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This page describes all Web API operations for user management.


The user management API is based on the following entities:


The User/group entity contains both users and groups. Properties:

  • Id (integer): user/group id.
  • IsGroup (boolean): false for users, true for groups.
  • LoginName (string): user login name (empty/ignored for groups).
  • FullName (string): user/group full name.
  • Email (string): user/group email address.
  • Password (string): user password. Used only when creating or updating users.
  • IsActive (boolean): flag whether user/group is active.
  • Description (string): user/group description.

Role assignment

The Role assignment describes that a role is given to a certain user/group. Properties:

  • Id (integer): user/group id
  • ProjectId (integer): project id for project-specific role assignments. Missing for gloobal permissions.
  • RoleId (integer): role id


The Membership describes that a user belongs to a group. Properties:

  • GroupId (integer): parent (container) group id.
  • MemberId (integer): child (member) user/group id.
  • RoleName (string): membership role. Supported membership types are Member, HiddenMember, Administrator.


The Roles describles available roles in the system. Properties:

  • Id (integer): role id.
  • Name (string): role name.
  • IsGlobal (boolean): true if role is global, false if project specific.
  • IsProject (boolean): true if role is project-specific, false otherwise


GET api/users

Gets a list of users/groups. Supported query parameters:

  • isGroup (boolean): if false, only users are returned; if true, only groups are returned. Optional.
  • isActive (boolean): if false or omitted, all users/groups are returned; if true, only active users/groups are returned. Optional.

Returns array of user/group objects. Can be empty if criteria specified by parameters is not matched.

GET api/users/{id}

Gets information of the user/group with given id. Returns the user/group object. Can return null if not found.

POST api/users POST

Creates a new user/group. Takes a user/group object in the body. Note that the id property is ignored if specified. Returns id of the created user/group.

PUT api/users

Updates an existing user/group. Takes a user/group object in the body. Note that the isGroup property is ignored.

GET api/users/roleassignments/{id}

Gets a list of role assignments of the user/group with given id. Returns an array of role assignment objects.

PUT api/users/roleassignments

Adds a role assignment. Takes a role assignment object in the body.

DELETE api/users/roleassignments

Removes a role assignment. Takes a role assignment object in the body.

GET api/users/memberships/{id}

Gets a list of memberships of the user/group with given id. Returns an array of membership objects, which can be empty if user/group is not member of any group.

PUT api/users/memberships

Adds a membership. Takes a membership object in the body.

DELETE api/users/memberships

Removes a membership. Takes a membership object in the body.

GET api/users/roles

Gets a list of all roles in the system. Returns an array of role objects.